Saturday, May 31, 2014

A little of this and that~

It has been a busy few days, it is always busy in our household!  3 kiddos under the age of 5 years old-Yup there are days where I want to pull my hair out, or there are times where I sit on the couch and am dog piled on with 3 sweet faces whom I love more than anything.  Parenting is very much a give/give situation, as a young girl and young teenager I never really understood how my parents could make it all work.  How they worked multiple jobs just to put food on our table, and now in my mid-thirties I GET IT!  You do anything you have to, in order to provide even if it means you not getting that new bathing suit or pedicure.  As long as our kids are happy and well fed, well taken care of...Well the rest is gravy isn't it?  I reflect a lot at night, about what I could have done different that day, did I lose my cool with my trio?  How can I make tomorrow better? Thoughts like that...As a parent I am sure we all have those thoughts don't we?  I wake every morning thinking what can I do to keep these babes busy for the day!!??  Lately we have been dealing with summer rain showers which has kept us inside more than I would like, so on Friday I woke up early and decided we would take a trip to the movies!  The earliest showing they had which was 1045am, we would see "Malificent".  I was afraid a tiny bit that it might be too dark and too much for them BUT 55.00 dollars later the movie was a success!  No accidents, not scared, enough junk food to make them happy campers and all in all it was a total success.  Everyone was happy coming out of the movie and tomorrow the weather is calling for more rain so after church we are either going to see Captain America or Spiderman.  Either one is fine by me, I am a comic book junkie-yup I openly admitted that!  Then I will make a nice family dinner and prepare for the week.  This will be the week that my treatment plan FINALLY comes together, so that I can begin to plan and make time so work is aware and so I can get mentally ready.  Physically I am ready, I am ok with pain.  I can handle that and with help from family and friends I will be ok.  I am ready, Tuesday will be my last set of scans and Thursday my team of Dr's will make a solid treatment plan and make it happen. 

Let's get this cancer out of my body! 

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